Our communications programs emotionally engage audiences in a way that’s consistent, moving and meaningful. And no matter the strategy or tactic, we’re always focused on one question: “What’s your definition of success?” Because every pitch, every event, every campaign we craft is aligned with your objective. At the end of the day, that’s what we’re here for — to drive results and make your brand and campaigns matter more.
At TransModal we clearly understand what these objectives are, to question them if required at the briefing stage and qualify them as part of any business research, and to challenge any pre-conceived ideas as necessary within our strategic proposition, which is the outcome of the marketing strategy phase. We’ve pioneered an effective approach that we call “Customer Centric Consulting.” It’s based on the principle of using customer-derived inputs to guide ideation and future-forward planning.
The types of events that we are most often involved in delivering are exhibitions and conferences – though we do deliver corporate parties and activity events from time to time.
When delivering events, our focus is always on understanding the broader context of the brand and marketing strategies. Events do not generally take place in isolation. They are a part of a bigger business picture.
Our value comes in understanding the strategic considerations underpinning the fundamental reasons for the event taking place in the first place, and in delivering creatively exciting solutions that deliver the key messages effectively and efficiently to the target audience.
A significant proportion of our time is spent in the delivery of digital marketing activities. This is not surprising when you understand the plethora of benefits one finds in comparison with traditional off-line marketing media. You get instant results. You can turn your budget on and off and up and down as often as you like, and in a matter moments. You can test and tweak different ideas in a live environment. You can measure the efficacy of just about everything you do.
We approach branding in the same way that we approach all projects – strategically. Having been briefed by a client and having completed our market research (so that we have a good, in-depth understanding of the business), we develop unique insights, present the proposed brand proposition and agree on a way forward. This strategy identifies corporate beliefs and values as well as fundamental attitudes that drive the corporate tone of voice.
Transmodal’s Brand Development specialists understand the importance of gaining a thorough insight into your business, and the type of brand consultancy you require in order to grow your brand. As a leading agency, we have access to the industry’s research tools, and have a wide range of in-house expertise to ensure we can draw the greatest level of insight we are well placed to provide our clients with a bespoke brand development service.
We offer clients clear and insightful evaluation of their global media coverage to understand their brand reputation and PR effectiveness. We provide clients with clear, actionable recommendations presented in concise media analysis reports that are easily digestible and configurable to a variety of internal audiences, as well as measuring media sentiment and improving communications effectiveness.
TransModal can provide radar and issues forecasting as part of our in-depth research. We use forward-looking indicators to identify and categorize emerging issues and assess the potential impact on the client and their public relations and communications strategies. Our belief in delivering high quality insights helps us to build long-term, trusted partnerships with our clients, the majority of whom are globally recognised brands. Our expertise and experience help us to understand the client’s brand and market context and to deliver analysis of industry issues and reputation across a number of countries, media, business divisions and audiences.
You can’t teach curiosity, intuition, or empathy – but you certainly can’t be a qualitative researcher without them. We’re lucky to have a qualitative team with an abundance of the traits that facilitate an intuitive understanding of human behaviour.
Our researchers’ innate skills have been strengthened by the rigor and discipline of their academic training in social science and design research.
It’s also why we’re able to tackle projects that range from exploratory to tactical, that tie attitudes directly to behaviours, and that unlock core truths about people that can help drive and achieve your goal.
What happens when you combine a quant researcher’s love of data with a journalist’s passion for connecting disparate pieces of information? You get Storytelling – the art of turning disparate information to content compelling narratives. We’re convinced that data doesn’t have to be dry and dull. It can animate and excite and that is what TransModal delivers with excellence.
From headlines to calls to action on your landing pages, compelling copy is necessary across all platforms that your company engages in to convey a brand personality that connects with your target audience.
SEO-friendly Copy and Creating Valuable Content
Organic traffic from search engines is still the most effective way to generate business or spur communication. Writing with SEO and highly ranked industry keywords in mind will leapfrog you over your competitors and help get your website ranking appropriately.
Writing Content With A Focus On Branding
People prefer brands that have personality and a human voice in their writing. Regardless of what business you are in, developing and maintaining a consistent brand voice across all facets of your marketing strategy is essential to building
long lasting relationships that will maximize customer lifetime value.
Identifying and Relating to the Target Audience
Researching your niche audience to a consumer profile level and identifying their affinity category is paramount to understanding their needs. By connecting to them with copy and content that specifically addresses their expectations, and addresses their needs and answering any questions that you audience may have.
Writing for Different Media
The wording and style of a whitepaper or case study should not be identical to that of a Facebook post. Potential customers are at different phases of absorption on where they interact with your brand and we will help address you varied audiences.
It is a challenge in today’s fast changing environment to react and adjust to consumer habits and communication trends. Your work helps us identify key areas of insight to help us meet this challenge.
Our insight teams help our clients, which include advertisers and agencies, solve specific communications challenges. This is achieved through brand or thematic reviews, across a range of sectors to give a deeper understanding of who is saying what, where and why.
1. Understand
Our teams spend time with you at the beginning of the process to truly understand your needs. This enables us to shape and clarify each brief. We then use exhaustive advertising databases and other sources to gain a complete picture of competitors’ through-the-line activity, from traditional advertising to digital, mobile and experiential marketing. How do their messaging and media strategies differ by market? How are these evolving overtime? We help our clients to really get under the skin.
2. Inspire
People prefer companies that have personality and a human voice in their writing. Regardless of what business you are in, developing and maintaining a consistent brand voice across all facets of your marketing strategy is essential to building
long lasting relationships that will maximize customer lifetime value.
3. Direct
By delivering learning’s and recommendations that can be acted upon, we enable clients to make more effective decisions going forward. Our independence ensures a more balanced, unbiased view on brands and sectors. Our work helps to create campaign briefs, provides creative direction and alters activation strategies.